Meet the Owner, James Most

James moved to Orcas in 2009 to work at the Bullock Nursery in Deer Harbor. Since then he has pursued all sorts of horticultural adventures in the San Juans- from landscaping to farming to pruning hundreds and hundreds of fruit trees. He and his family have a homestead near Eastsound where they grow tons of produce and raise chickens and bees. James’ particular passion is growing giant cabbages to make the family’s annual supply of sauerkraut.

A rotating cast of characters joins the Orchards, Gardens, & Irrigation team for installations and big projects. Tony and Peter are hardworking teammates who are both avid farmers on the side. Give us a call for your next project and meet the team!

Link to youtube presentation on growing fruit and nuts in the San Juans

Link to article on getting the most out of your irrigation system

Link to article on energy efficient homestead

"James came to me highly recommended, and I pass on that recommendation without reservation. I originally met with him to review the irrigation plan created by Seattle "experts" for an extensive residential landscape install. James quickly uncovered some major flaws in the plan, and conveyed that information clearly and respectfully, while offering a selection of better options. His knowledge of native plants, keen artistic eye, and easy working manner led me to engage him to revise and oversee the entire project. From final plant selection to install, he handled everything, and I could not be happier with the process or the result. He is great at listening to your vision, and then offering several different strategies for getting you where you want to go, based on the time, money and energy you want to put in. He brings a refreshing blend of enthusiasm and pragmatism to his work. Highly recommended."

— Brad

Let’s talk about your project today!